Darrell & Don McLennan claim first place in 2004. |
They drove a 1971 Artic Cat 340. |
Greg Kerr and Jeff Cole placed 2nd. |
They raced a 1973 RTX Skiroule 340. |
Ron Herrmann and Bob Vrudny placed 3rd. |
They drove a 1972 Skidoo TNT 340. |
Darrell, Don and third member Gail (not in picture) are from Prince Albert, SK and Oak Bluff, Man.
Greg Kerr from Carduff, SK and a former Saltcoats resident ironmanned the race. That means he
rode the entire 100 miles by himself. Jeff Cole (not in picture) is from Saltcoats, SK.
Ron Herrman is from Andover, Minnesota, USA. Ron also Ironmanned the race. Bob Vrudny (not
in picture) is also from the USA.